Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Know Not Why

I know not why His hand is laid
In chastening on my life,
Nor why it is my little world
Is filled so full of strife.

I know not why, when faith looks up
And seeks for rest from pain,
That o'er my sky fresh clouds arise
And drench my path with rain.

I know not why my prayer so long
By Him has been denied,
Nor why, while others' ships sail on,
Mine should in port abide.

But I do know that God is love,
That He my burden shares;
And though I may not understand,
I know for me He cares.

I know the heights for which I long
Are often reached through pain;
I know the sheaves must needs be threshed
To yield the golden grain.

I know that, though He may remove
The friends on whom I lean,
'Tis that I thus may learn to love
And trust the One unseen.

And when at last I see His face
And know as I am known,
I will not care how rough the road
That led me to my home.
--Grace E. Troy

But A Short Time

Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea!
for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath,
because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
--Revelation 12:12

Monday, February 22, 2010

His Heart Went Out

We find here after the Lord had healed and performed these miracles, people were amazed. And they began to follow the Lord as He traveled from village to village, even as we were reminded here: great multitudes of people followed Him.

The Lord took the opportunity now, after He had told them to repent, to preach to them.

I just couldn't help but read farther in this Holy Bible as we read this chapter. I hadn't intended to, but I became interested and concerned.

Here the Lord looked out and saw the multitudes. He looked out in pity, I believe. His heart went out, just as sometimes, brethren, we stand and look over an audience of our young people, the youth of our day and time, who are growing up to young men and women.

Isn't it true ... how many times our hearts bleed, how many times tears fill our eyes when we can see the multitude, realizing that they do not have a hope of life eternal. They are standing on the outside of the door of grace and our hearts go out just as the Lord when He saw the multitude here.
--Sermon Excerpt: Elder Bro. S.A.

Hold Thou Me

Hold Thou me,
Mighty Jesus, hold Thou me;
Thou canst see my imperfections,
All my weakness and defections
With Thy arm, both strong and mind;
Hold Thou me, Thy feeble child.
--Zion's Harp #152 vs. 4

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Take It On Trust

Be quiet! why this anxious heed
About thy tangled ways?
God knows them all. He giveth speed
And He allows delays.
'Tis good for thee to walk by faith
And not by sight.
Take it on trust a little while.
Soon shalt thou read the mystery aright
In the full sunshine of His smile.

In times of uncertainty, wait.
Always if you have any doubt, wait.

Do not force yourself to any action.
If you have a restraint in your spirit, wait until all is clear, and do not go against it.
--Streams in the Desert

Friday, February 19, 2010

Oh When Shall I Be There?

My longing heart oft yearns for home!
Oh when shall I be there?
I fain would be on heaven's shore,
With God's elect forevermore
In blessed harmony.
--Hymns of Zion #214 vs. 1

Willingly Endure

O, willingly endure!
For God's Word doth assure
That thou shouldst suffer still,
According to His will.

To suffer as God wills
Our life's design fulfills;
It leads to God's doman,
Christ's likeness to attain.

To suffer makes us pure,
Each trial we endure
Does good to us impart,
Makes us childlike at heart.

To be childlike and pure,
O, that alone is sure
To please your Lord and God,
O, may this be your lot!

Then as a child draw nigh;
He hears your every sigh;
You shall not leave His face
Without His blessed grace.
--Zion's Harp #156

Monday, February 15, 2010

Who Shall Abide?

LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?
Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?

He that:
-walketh uprightly, and
-worketh righteousness, and
-speaketh the truth in his heart.

He that:
-backbiteth not with his tongue,
-nor doeth evil to his neighbour,
-nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.

-In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD.

-He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.

He that:
-putteth not out his money to usury,
-nor taketh reward against the innocent.

He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

--Psalm 15

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Shall Perceive Clearly

In Heaven I shall perceive more clearly
What now on earth I dimly see;
There I'll define as wondrous, holy,
What here perplexing seems to me;
And then I'll praise God when I see
His will in its entirety.
--Zion's Melodies #46 vs. 3

Pray For the Lord's Appearing

Pray ye that time's latter end
Quickly may be nearing,
That our Lord may soon descend
For His great appearing.
Come then all, Great and small,
Join the angels' yearning
For our Lord's returning!
--Zion's Harp #174 vs. 12

Monday, February 8, 2010

On Unity

It is impossible for satan to defeat the church from the outside, as long as all the members remain faithful. The way for him to gain a victory is to gather supporters within the church who will work in secret to betray the members. For this reason, order and discipline are imperative for a church, that those who are a leaven may not be tolerated in it. This includes those who again conform to this world, who walk carnally, who seek their own, who are enemies of the cross of Christ. Those that are such, have also become betrayers to the truth.

Unity, or oneness, of the Spirit occurs in all who are truly of the Spirit of Christ. There are diversities of gifts within the body, but strife and discord arise only from diverse spirits. It is necessary to recognize the true Spirit and discern the strange spirits so that we do not allow these diverse and strange spirits into the church.
--Excerpt: S.H. Froehlich

Friday, February 5, 2010

At the Battlefront

In the past evening I read an article written by one who said he had visited the battlefronts. It brought tears to my eyes. He explained that he believed it is good that we people here know the suffering that our boys are enduring. It touched me so deeply when he said he saw one soldier carried unto the field hospital clinging to the hand of a friend and the first real panic he saw was in this wounded boy's eyes when his friend dropped his hand to minister unto him. Then the cry came, "Oh, do not leave me! Do not leave me!"

Oh, dear ones, consider this Book which we have and the Friend we have in Jesus who came here upon this earth to bear all our sins and griefs. He is able and willing at all times to be our dear Friend and to abide with us even in such hours as we sing, "And when in thy last distress, helpless friends around thee gather."

Oh, consider, beloved ones, the sacrifice that is going over the face of the earth today, it is all for a purpose. The blood that is being shed, the heartaches and the suffering, is all for a purpose that we might yet be moved to give our life to God and to purify those of us that have been willing and have become His children. More and more we realize what the purpose of our life is here upon this earth.

We were reminded of the children of Israel, how they murmured over this or that, but let us be contented, as we have been saved from many of the horrors of war.

Let us not live so lightly and carefree, as oft times is the case, in this latter time when suffering is going over the face of the earth. Let us not live so lightheartedly, as the time will come when we will have to give an account of our life. But let us think that, even though some of us have been fortunate, yet there are many mothers' hearts that are bleeding today for the loss of their sons who were dear unto them as ours would be. Let us have love and compassion for all humanity and not only have a small circle, considering only those that are dear unto us. The rest are also dear unto someone. Let us be more earnest in our prayers, our convictions, our conversations and our conduct, so that we may be a light in this dark and dreary time. We should humble ourselves in the sight of God so that there can be fruits seen and that the days of sorrow can be shortened for those that are carrying the burden upon the battlefields.

Perhaps we might think we have made no experience, but I cannot help to think of a troubled night I had recently. Maybe I should not speak of it, but a few nights back, I had a troubled night for a reason I did not know. I spent the night upon a battlefield and, in the face of the battle, the enemy came. And I pleaded for only a little while to be left alone. It moved me so and I had to think of what those people must be enduring upon the battlefield -- our loved ones in the face of battle -- and we go on our way so carefree and even sometimes murmur of the trifles and tribulations that we should bear willingly.

--Sermon Excerpt: Elder Bro. J.B. (1943)