Wednesday, April 29, 2009

As Ye Have Found The Lord ... There Remain

"It seems like that servant of God, who wrote that psalm (Psalm 62) felt or imagined that he had much opposition, that he was being assailed, but he spoke the wonderful words which God gave him -- 'I shall not be greatly moved.' And when every member of the church, when every child of God will stand on their feet and realize that he should not be greatly moved; that we should abide; we should remain in that precious faith unto which we've been called; and, as the brother also mentioned, when changing times are mentioned to us we should very carefully consider what we'd do to meet those changing times. It is true, the times do bring problems, and we believers also have to reckon with that fact. But, as the brother mentioned; as the Word of God told us: 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.'

And, in this present time, where so many are crying, 'Here is Christ and there is Christ,' we can only repeat and say, 'As ye have found the Lord, and where you have found Him, there remain.' That is the teaching of God's Word."

--Sermon Excerpt: Elder Bro. D.M. (1957)