Friday, January 29, 2010

A Lease on Our Life

While the brother was speaking, I had to think ... as in the natural way, many of us are more privileged than others, but let us consider our life as something shared unto us by God. He created us not out of our own power, but out of the power of God and He placed within us a living soul.

In other words, our life is not our own. We have a lease on our life from our God, which will be terminated at His good will.

Let us consider, as in the natural way, when those that are not so privileged to own a business or farm, but have a lease from another man. Then we are more concerned that we take care of the same, and are concerned that our employer or landlord might be satisfied with us.

We are reminded of where the Lord spoke in one place that the one that would not use his talent, it would be taken away from him and given unto another one. It is that way in the natural way - if one is not concerned and does not strive to please the one that is over him, it is taken away from him. And so it is in the spiritual way.

It is up to us that we use this life to God's honor and praise and that we would use our natural body and give it unto our own dear Lord and Saviour as a reasonable sacrifice; for as we sing in that hymn, "What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear."

--Sermon Excerpt: Elder Bro. J.B. (1943)