Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I Know Not Why

I know not why His hand is laid
In chastening on my life,
Nor why it is my little world
Is filled so full of strife.

I know not why, when faith looks up
And seeks for rest from pain,
That o'er my sky fresh clouds arise
And drench my path with rain.

I know not why my prayer so long
By Him has been denied,
Nor why, while others' ships sail on,
Mine should in port abide.

But I do know that God is love,
That He my burden shares;
And though I may not understand,
I know for me He cares.

I know the heights for which I long
Are often reached through pain;
I know the sheaves must needs be threshed
To yield the golden grain.

I know that, though He may remove
The friends on whom I lean,
'Tis that I thus may learn to love
And trust the One unseen.

And when at last I see His face
And know as I am known,
I will not care how rough the road
That led me to my home.
--Grace E. Troy