Friday, April 30, 2010

The Time is Short

May it be that we be reminded that the time is short. It is high time to seek our soul's salvation.

How can we say the time is short? How do we know?

We can speak with authority and say the time is short. Not that we know when the Lord will come. When it will be the last day for souls to seek their salvation.

But we can say the time is short because our lives are short. No matter who we are, if we are young or old, our lives are short. If we live to be one hundred years, it is still a short time in the light of eternity. It is high time we seek our soul's salvation.

Let's not be as Jeremiah the Prophet said in his day. He spoke some of the saddest words in all the Bible. He said, "the summer is over. The harvest is past. We are still not saved." (Jeremiah 8:20) Some of the saddest words in all the Bible.

Beloved ones, when we hear the Word of God, let us take it to heart. Brethren and friends, when we hear the Word of God, let's take it into our own heart. It applies to us. Then let us do today what needs to be done, because tomorrow might be too late.
--Sermon Excerpt: Bro. K.D.