Wednesday, December 15, 2010

God Brings Truth in Simple Ways

Sometimes in the most simple ways God can reveal what we need to do.

I am reminded about an account I heard one time of a young couple that was married, I think it was in our faith. They were unconverted and newly married. They had their first child. That child died, was taken away from them. It was hard on them, very difficult, as we would all know, anyone that has lost a child. I have never gone through that myself, but I can believe it is a very difficult thing. It was difficult for them. The young wife, the young mother became bitter against the Lord. Bitter against the Lord that He had taken away their child. She could not understand it.

Beloved ones, isn't it true, that in our life, many times things come our way, we don't understand it. They are difficult things. It wounds our heart, grieves our heart, brings sorrow. We do not understand it. But may we take a lesson that we do not become bitter. That we believe it is from the hand of the Lord and for some good reason. For some purpose, God has allowed it to take place.

Anyway, this young wife was bitter. For fifteen years, she was bitter against the Lord that He had taken away their child. One time they were on a vacation out west. They came upon a shepherd and his flock of sheep. They were watching that shepherd, how he handled those sheep. He was trying to bring those sheep across a little ravine, a chasm. The sheep would not go. They were afraid to jump. He could not make them go across. Finally, that shepherd took a little lamb in his arms. With that little lamb, he jumped across that ravine, that chasm. After that, the mother of that lamb saw that little lamb taken across there. She also jumped across and, before long, the whole flock had come across.

Sometimes, beloved ones, God brings us truths in simple ways. That mother, at that point, began to understand why the Lord had taken their child away. It was to give her impulse and motivation to follow where that child had gone. We believe a child that is taken from life is in a better place. That mother took courage. She also took that step to go across that chasm. She began to repent. She became converted. She became a child of God. We believe she was faithful unto life's end.

Many times God speaks to us, through the Bible, through the preaching of the Word, speaks to us through a child, through the Spirit. Beloved ones, when the Lord speaks, however He does, let us take it to heart and let's do the things the Lord has taught us and instructed us.
--Sermon Excerpt: Bro. K.D.