Friday, December 24, 2010

Satan Said "Is that True"

But Eve yielded when the enemy of our souls, through the snake, through the serpent, the Bible says, tempted Eve. Satan lied to Eve. Satan said, "Is it true that God said that?" (Genesis 3:1-6)

Satan, that enemy of our souls is still telling us, "Is that true?" Perhaps Satan will say, "Is that true that your church says this? Is it true that the Word of God says this? Are you sure you understand that? You need to study that Word. Let's get into the dictionary and let's dissect this Word. Let's try to understand it with a philosophical mind." And he goes on and on and on.

Instead of trusting the Holy Spirit and simply accepting when the Scripture tells us, for example, to repent. We can try to define it in a lot of details. But we have to be very, very careful not to try to twist the Word of God and not to allow the enemy, who deceived the first couple, deceive ourselves. We understand the simplicity of the definition of repentance. It is an inward change that is produced by the convicting Spirit of God as we listen to the Word of God, as we listen to the sermons, as we are exposed to God's truth.

God then helps us that it comes from the heart. It is manifested in every aspect of our life. It is manifested through our joy, through the peace that we have and the obedience to the Word of God. It gives us spiritual confidence. Not confidence in what I know. Not confidence in the flesh. It gives us spiritual confidence. That spiritual confidence helps us, encourages, undergirds our faith. That faith really encourages us to be obedient to the Word of God. God gives us that understanding as we trust Him and as we plead with God day and night, as the Scripture tells us.
--Sermon Excerpt: Elder Bro. P.P.